
There is no county wide zoning in Trigg County.
Individual subdivisions
Current – have deed restrictions that are recorded in the Trigg County Clerk’s office in the courthouse annex building.
Trigg County Clerk – Carmen Finley – 41 Main Street, Cadiz, KY
Future – must follow county subdivision regulations – located in Clerk’s office
Lakes Area Property – The United States Army Corps of Engineers controls the property adjoining Lake Barkley. There are strict guidelines governing the use of lake property. You should contact them for information regarding boat docks, clearing of brush and permanent structures located below elevation 357. It is a good idea to check with the Corps if you intend to purchase any property adjacent to the lake.
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers – Grand Rivers, Kentucky 42045-0218

Number of Visitors:

Cadiz-Trigg County Planning Commission
49 Jefferson Street - PO Box 2053
Cadiz, Kentucky 42211
